The idea of SquishMEz was born in 2013. Squishies were discovered by our daughter Grace, on YouTube. Squishies are popular overseas. They are soft foam toys that hang from your cell phone, backpack, etc…Kids, being the cool people they are, found great ways to make their own “Homemade Squishies.” They found sponges, make-up applicators, etc..anything with a little squish and they started painting them. So started our adventure of making squishies.

DSC00636We made lots of different squishies, but it was hard to get a good squish! Make-up sponges were too small. Regular sponges not very squishy. And, all of them really, really hard to cut into the shape we wanted. So was born SquishMEz: custom-cut foam shape for painting. shirts

SquishMEz are the squishiest squishes out there (boy that’s a mouth full)! Nothing bounces back like they do! They slooooooowly recoil back to their original shape after having the SNOT squeezed out of them. You can paint them with our two kinds of SquishMEz paint. Our Fun Foam Paint offers 10 different colors to choose from; or our special formulated 3D Fun Foam Paint comes in 12 different colors. Choose from 8 different SquishMEz designs (with more to come). Or, purchase our SquishMEz kit that includes: 3 Fun Foam Paints, one 3D paint and one SquishMEz.



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Once painted, SquisheMEZ offer hours of fun. Squish them into a tight ball and carry them with you anywhere. They are fun to toss around with friends. Put a cord through them and attach them to your backpack. Stuff them into a pillowcase for a custom pillow full of your favorite SquishMEz; Or, take SquishMEz into the tub* or pool* with you. SquishMEz, a versatile, custom, fun toy, designed by YOU!





We want to hear from you! Send us your creations and stories of SquishMEz and what NEW SquishMEz you would like to see here.

Follow our SPECIAL SquishMEz on Facebook and YouTube as they go on their adventures:

Patti the “Patriotic Pastry” she wants to see all the States Capitols. Join her on her adventure.

allery Cupcake Patti Patriotic Pastry

Gallery Baseball THUNDER

Thunder the “Traveling Baseball.” He can’t get enough of the game. He is planning to stop at every major, minor and other ballpark he can find when traveling. He’s a little obsessed, but who isn’t about America’s Favorite Past Time!

Chester the “Chowing Chocolate Bar” wants to be the new host of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. He loves stopping at local restaurants, cafes and bakeries. Like Sponge Bob, he eats only food made with love!!

Gallery Candy Bar

Gallery Owl

Soon to come!!!
Willis the “Wise Old Owl” loves knowledge and can’t wait to see all the thousands of Universities in our great Country! Willis knows you never stop learning.